Free Consultation
If you need an advocate for your student or child, let’s work together!
Offering Consultation and Advocacy Services
View a comprehensive list of student advocate services offered.
Learn About Denise Pleickhardt
She can help you to understand the complex special education process.

Regardless of whether or not your child is currently identified as a student with a disability through a 504 plan or an IEP, you may have questions in general about reading, writing, or math skills. Your child may be experiencing social/communication difficulties, challenges with organization/following through on tasks/prioritizing, ongoing behavioral issues, etc. The bottom line is that you want your child to progress successfully through school with his/her peers in a seamless transition.
To learn more about me to determine if my background and experience may be helpful to you, please see the About Denise page. You can always Contact me via email or phone with any questions about your child’s education.
Regardless of how you choose to contact me, we will direct our time and energy on your concerns about your child’s educational progress. As a retired public school educator, I am able to devote my time and energy to empowering families to support their child through the educational system.
I thank you for visiting My Own Star today!
P.S. If you are wondering who designed the awesome yellow star that is my logo, I can only say that it’s the original design of an amazing 5 year old!